Thermax Selection Chart



Thermax Level 10 Strips

Size: 2.00” x 0.7” (51x18mm)
Type: Vertical, Self Adhesive
Scale: °F and °C
Range: (Sold in units of 10)

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A °F 104 108 111 115 120 129 140 144 149 160
°C 40 42 44 46 49 54 60 62 65 71
B °F 171 180 190 199 210 219 230 241 250 261
°C 77 82 88 93 99 104 110 116 121 127
C °F 270 280 289 300 309 320 331 340 351 360
°C 132 138 143 149 154 160 166 171 177 182
D °F 370 379 390 399 410 421 435 450 466 480
°C 188 193 199 204 210 216 224 232 241 249





Thermax Level 8 Strips

Size: 2.00” x 0.7” (51x18mm)
Type: Vertical, Self Adhesive
Scale: °F and °C
Range: (Sold in units of 10)

View Specifications Sheet



A °F 99 104 109 115 120 129 140 149
°C 37 40 43 46 49 54 60 65
B °F 160 171 180 190 199 210 219 230
°C 71 77 82 88 93 99 104 110
C °F 241 250 261 270 280 289 300 309
°C 116 121 127 132 138 143 149 154
D °F 320 331 340 351 360 370 379 390
°C 160 166 171 177 182 188 193 199
E °F 399 410 421 435 450 466 480 489 500
°C 204 210 216 224 232 241 249 154 260





Thermax Level 6 Mini Strips

Size: 0.47” x 1.26” (12x32mm)
Type: Horizontal, Self Adhesive
Scale: °F and °C
Range: (Sold in units of 10)

View Specifications Sheet



1 °F 84 91 93 99 104 108
°C 29 33 34 37 40 42
2 °F 111 115 120 129 140 144
°C 44 46 49 54 60 62
3 °F 149 160 171 180 190 199
°C 65 71 77 82 88 93
4 °F 210 219 230 241 250 261
°C 99 104 110 116 121 127
5 °F 270 280 289 300 309 320
°C 132 138 143 149 154 160
6 °F 331 340 351 360 370 379
°C 166 171 177 182 188 193
7 °F 390 399 410 421 435 450
°C 199 204 210 216 224 232
8 °F 466 480 489 500 536 554
°C 241 249 254 260 280 290





Thermax Level 5 Strips

Size: 2.00” x 0.7” (51x18mm)
Type: Vertical, Self Adhesive
Scale: °F and °C
Range: (Sold in units of 10)

View Specifications Sheet



A °F 99 104 109 115 120
°C 37 40 43 46 49
B °F 120 129 140 149 160
°C 49 54 60 65 71
C °F 171 180 190 199 210
°C 77 82 88 93 99
D °F 219 230 241 250 261
°C 104 110 116 121 127
E °F 270 280 289 300 309
°C 132 138 143 149 154
F °F 320 331 340 351 360
°C 160 166 171 177 182
G °F 370 379 390 399 410
°C 188 193 199 204 210
H °F 421 435 450 466 480
°C 216 224 232 241 249
I °F 480 489 500 536 554
°C 249 254 260 280 290
S °F 84 91 93 99 104
°C 29 33 34 37 40





Thermax Encapsulated 29ºC / 84ºF

Size: 0.47” x 0.51” (12x13mm)
Type: Single temperature indicator shows when maximum temperature has been achieved. Self adhesive.
Scale: °F and °C
Range: (Sold in units of 50)



Thermax Level 4 Strips

Size: 0.91”x1.77″ (23x45mm)
Type: Horizontal, Self Adhesive
Scale: °F and °C
Range: (Sold in units of 10)

View Specifications Sheet



A °F 99 111 120 129
°C 37 44 49 54
B °F 140 149 160 171
°C 60 65 71 77
C °F 180 190 199 210
°C 82 88 93 99
D °F 219 230 241 250
°C 104 110 116 121
E °F 261 270 280 289
°C 127 132 138 143
F °F 300 309 320 331
°C 149 154 160 166
G °F 340 351 360 370
°C 171 177 182 188
H °F 379 390 399 410
°C 193 199 204 210
I °F 421 435 450 466
°C 216 224 232 241
J °F 480 500 536 554
°C 249 260 280 290





Thermax Encapsulated

Size: 0.47” x 0.51” (12x13mm)
Scale: °F and °C
Range: (Sold in units of 50)
Type: Single temperature indicator shows when maximum temperature has been achieved. Self adhesive.
View Specifications Sheet




°F 91
°C 33
°F 93
°C 34
°F 99
°C 37
°F 104
°C 40
°F 108
°C 42
°F 109
°C 43
°F 111
°C 44
°F 115
°C 46
°F 120
°C 49
°F 129
°C 54
°F 140
°C 60
°F 144
°C 62
°F 149
°C 65
°F 160
°C 71
°F 171
°C 77
°F 176
°C 80
°F 180
°C 82
°F 190
°C 88
°F 199
°C 93
°F 210
°C 99
°F 219
°C 104
°F 230
°C 110
°F 241
°C 116
°F 250
°C 121
°F 261
°C 127
°F 270
°C 132
°F 280
°C 138
°F 289
°C 143
°F 300
°C 149
°F 309
°C 154
°F 320
°C 160
°F 331
°C 166
°F 340
°C 171
°F 351
°C 177
°F 360
°C 182
°F 370
°C 188
°F 379
°C 193
°F 390
°C 199
°F 399
°C 204
°F 410
°C 210
°F 421
°C 216
°F 435
°C 224
°F 450
°C 232
°F 466
°C 241
°F 480
°C 249
°F 489
°C 254
°F 500
°C 260
°F 536
°C 280
°F 554
°C 290



Thermax Level 4 Micro Strips

Size: 0.15” x 0.43” (4x11mm)
Type: Horizontal, Self Adhesive
Scale: °F and °C
Range: (Sold in units of 10)

View Specifications Sheet


1 °F 105 110 115 120
°C 40 42 44 46
2 °F 120 130 140 150
°C 49 54 60 65
3 °F 160 170 180 190
°C 71 77 82 88
4 °F 200 210 220 230
°C 93 99 104 110
5 °F 240 250 260 270
°C 116 121 127 132
6 °F 280 290 300 310
°C 138 143 149 154
7 °F 320 330 340 350
°C 160 166 171 177
8 °F 360 370 380 390
°C 182 188 193 199
9 °F 400 410 420 435
°C 204 210 215 224






Level 5 Clock Indicator

Size: 0.55” Dia. (14mm)
Type: Circular, Self Adhesive
Scale: °F and °C
Range: (Sold in units of 10)

View Specifications Sheet



1 °F 105 110 115 120 130
°C 40 43 46 49 54
2 °F 140 150 160 170 180
°C 60 65 71 77 82
3 °F 190 200 210 220 230
°C 88 93 99 104 110
4 °F 240 250 260 270 280
°C 116 121 127 132 138
5 °F 290 300 310 320 330
°C 143 149 154 160 166
6 °F 340 350 360 370 380
°C 171 177 182 188 193
7 °F 390 400 410 420 435
°C 199 204 210 216 224
H °F 450 465 480 490 500
°C 232 241 249 254 260